What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a highly relaxed state in which the subject is responsive to suggestions.
What is Hypnotherapy ?
Hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapy which Deals with Four Stages of Consciousness (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta) and Works by Precise Outcome-Oriented therapy targeting the Subconscious mind changing beliefs and behaviors. Clients who undergo hypnotherapy will have an Efficient, Fast and Reliable means of Altering undesirable behaviors. Of all therapies, Hypnotherapy Will Produce the Most Immediate Results.
What is NLP ?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an approach to psychotherapy and organizational change based on "a Model of Interpersonal Communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between Successful Patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them" and "a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to Educate People in self-awareness and Effective Communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behavior". The term "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ("programming") and can be organized to Achieve Specific Goals in Life.
NLP is capable of addressing many problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorders and several others and Helps People Attain Fuller and Richer Lives" . If the effective patterns of behavior of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others. NLP has been adopted by private therapists, including hypnotherapists, and those who undertake training in NLP and apply it to their practice. It has also been promoted as a "Science of Excellence", and applied within Management Training, Life coaching, Alternative medicine, Large group Awareness Training, and the Self-Help industry.
What is Hypnotherapy ?
Hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapy which Deals with Four Stages of Consciousness (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta) and Works by Precise Outcome-Oriented therapy targeting the Subconscious mind changing beliefs and behaviors. Clients who undergo hypnotherapy will have an Efficient, Fast and Reliable means of Altering undesirable behaviors. Of all therapies, Hypnotherapy Will Produce the Most Immediate Results.
What is NLP ?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an approach to psychotherapy and organizational change based on "a Model of Interpersonal Communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between Successful Patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them" and "a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to Educate People in self-awareness and Effective Communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behavior". The term "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ("programming") and can be organized to Achieve Specific Goals in Life.
NLP is capable of addressing many problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorders and several others and Helps People Attain Fuller and Richer Lives" . If the effective patterns of behavior of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others. NLP has been adopted by private therapists, including hypnotherapists, and those who undertake training in NLP and apply it to their practice. It has also been promoted as a "Science of Excellence", and applied within Management Training, Life coaching, Alternative medicine, Large group Awareness Training, and the Self-Help industry.
Must Read Articles

Does Hypnosis Work? Health Magazine: MAGAZINE OF MEN'S HEALTH, WOMEN'S HEALTH, FITNESS...Monday, February 12, 2007
Comparison Study American Health Magazine reported the following findings from a recent study. • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions• Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions • Hypnotherapy: 93% Recovery after 6 sessions
The majority of people believe hypnosis is a last resort tool for Smoke Cessation, Weight Loss or Changing Habits. Few people know hypnosis is a dynamic and vital healing process embracing all aspects of mental health care. Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a person’s issues. Through the process of hypnosis/regression the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the person and practitioner the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience/cause. These surrounding feelings can be healed, thus Empowering the person to live the life they desire to live.
This study clearly points out—Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. In a hypnotic state, you are More Receptive to new ideas and You Can more Effectively Process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.
Hypnosis is a special form of communication to the subconscious mind where habits are established and memory is stored. Because the Language of the Subconscious mind is Visual, the more detailed your image is of your goal, the Faster your Subconscious Mind Will Create the Changes you desire. Once Your subconscious accepts a new idea, You Automatically Accept it at a conscious level.
Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind that is between the aware state and sleep. Driving a route you are familiar with and not being conscious of every turn you make is similar to the hypnotic state.Hypnosis allows you to access Your Subconscious Mind, which makes up 90% of your brain Which Stores All Memory. With Hypnosis, you reprogram and release thought patterns and habits to Make Desirable, Lasting Changes in Your Life.
You Are in Control: Hypnosis is completely relaxing and You Are Completely Aware During the Experience. It's a myth that someone is making you do something. The hypnotherapist helps you connect with your subconscious mind, which puts YOU in Control of your subconscious mind—the most Powerful and Empowering aspect of your brain. Hypnosis restores your Freedom of choice, which you haven't had in many years!
The Wall Street Journal Article
HEALTH: Hypnosis gaining respectability among doctors, patients BY MICHAEL WALDHOLZ Wall Street Journal Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new findings are leading major hospitals to try hypnosis to help relieve pain and speed recovery in a variety of illnesses. At the University of North Carolina, hypnosis is transforming the treatment of irritable bowel..
Mayo Clinic Staff on Hypnosis
Hypnosis: An altered state of consciousness By Mayo Clinic staff Have you ever been totally absorbed while reading a book or cooking or watching a movie? Did you zone out to the point where you didn't notice what else was going on around you? If so, you have experienced a type of trance-like state or focused attention that's similar to what happens to you during hypnosis. Although its medical uses aren't entirely understood, hypnosis, when provided by a certified hypnotherapist or other qualified clinician, appears to help with a variety of health conditions. These range from helping to control...
iTme Magazine: Health: Mind over Medicine By SORA SONG
Shelley Thomas, 53, was wheeled into an anteroom at London's Middlesex Hospital in preparation for pelvic surgery. A patient going into that operation is usually given a mix of painkilling narcotics and nerve-quelling tranquilizers. But not Thomas. Instead she rested on a gurney, alert and calm, taking deep breaths at her hypnotherapist's instruction....
Pain in the Brain
PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: 8-AUG-2004 Pain in the brain: It's not what you imagine Researchers are one step closer to unraveling the mystery of medically unexplained pain such as chronic low back pain, which continues to baffle doctors. A study exploring the experience of pain in hypnotized volunteers has found that some types of pain which cannot be traced to a medical condition may have its origins in our brains, not in our bodies. The study by University College London and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that volunteers who felt pain as a result of hypnotic suggestion showed...
Hypnotism gaining respect in medicine as useful tool
ENTERPRISE From the November 15, 2002 print edition Hypnotism gaining respect in medicine as a useful tool Danek S. Kaus About a dozen people sit in a dimly lit circle of comfortable chairs. The people are deeply relaxed as they listen to a voice guide them through images designed to promote healthy bodies. That might sound like a New Age retreat in the mountains, but it's a classroom at Stanford University. The speaker is Jeanne Fournier, a medical hypnotherapist from Mountain View. She conducts group sessions at Stanford Hospital's Center for Integrated Medicine as well as at Palo...
Hypnosis Really Changes Your Mind
Hypnosis really changes your mind 13:28 10 September 04 New Scientist news service Hypnosis is more than just a party trick, it measurably changes how the brain works, says a UK researcher. Hypnosis significantly affects the activity in a part of the brain responsible for detecting and responding to errors, says John Gruzelier, a psychologist at Imperial College in London. Using functional brain imaging, he also found that hypnosis affects an area that controls higher level executive functions. "This explains why, under hypnosis, people can do outrageous things that ordinarily they wouldn’t...
Hypnosis In Surgery
Health briefings September 12, 2005 Times You won't feel a thing . . . by Liz Bestic Hypno-sedation may reduce the need for general anesthetic How amusing it is to see hypnotists make people cluck like chickens or bark like dogs. But while their art is seen by many as a form of entertainment, new research suggests that, medically, there may be a serious role for hypnosis. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) a team of neuro-scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have seen hypnosis actually working on the brain. In a study to be published this year, a group of patients with...
Hypnosis gains Acceptance in Health Care
Published on 07/21/1997 Hypnosis gains acceptance in health care By Clyde Noel / Town Crier Staff Writer Ever go upstairs, or walk in a room, and when you get there you've forgotten why you came? Or, maybe you were driving on the freeway and started to daydream and went past your exit and wondered where you were? Josie Hadley, a longtime resident of Los Altos and a Palo Alto-based hypnotherapist, will tell you everything you ever learned is stored in your subconscious, and when things like that occur, it's because your conscious mind is free. "The knowledge required to drive a car exists...
Hypnosis for Pain and Anxiety by Anne Spencer
HYPNOSIS FOR PAIN AND ANXIETY An alternative tested in the procedure room. by Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D. A Prospective, randomized trial described in the April 29, 2000, Lancet evaluated the effectiveness of hypnosis – termed "nonpharmacologic analgesia" – in easing pain and anxiety associated with undergoing minimally invasive surgical procedures such as angiograms and angioplasties (which require catheterization of arteries), nephrostomies (kidney drainage), and liver biopsies. The researchers randomly assigned 241 patients treated in a radiology unity at a university hospital to one of three...
Hypnosis and Religious Faith by Paul Durbin
HYPNOSIS & RELIGIOUS FAITH by Chaplain Paul G. Durbin, Ph.D. Durbin before a lecture on "Hypnosis and Religion" A few years ago, I read an article in Family Weekly titled, "Boom Days For Devil Hypnosis" Hearing that title: what ideas, images, thoughts come to you? Thought the article had what I considered a very negative title, it was a very positive article on hypnosis in the health care field. The only reference to the devil was in the last paragraph, "Some conservative religious groups consider hypnosis to be the work of the devil."Hypnosis is mistakenly viewed as mind control or demonic...
How do you talk about Dis-Ease
How Do You Talk About Dis-Ease? By James Duncan, CHt © 2005 One of the most important factors in achieving wellness or creating and maintaining health is the way in which we think and talk about our health and the challenges we face in our health. Unfortunately so many people are completely unaware of how the words and concepts we choose to think and use to discuss our health have the potential to impact it to an amazing degree. This impact can very often have a negative effect over the long term if gentle and compassionate care is not given to the reframing of these concepts...
Helping Phantom Limb Pain
Helping Phantom Limb Pain by Toni Ray Over the years scientists have noted many complaints of a strange form of pain called phantom limb pain. This pain is strange because it is located in an appendage that no longer exists. By many of the amputees the pain is described as totally unbearable. Phantom limb pain has even driven some victims crazy. For the amputee population this is a very real problem that definitely needs to be solved. After James Peacock had his right arm amputated last December, he expected some difficulties. With those difficulties came pain so unbearable it could not be controlled...
Healing Thought by Jim Duncan
Healing Thought From The Strangest Places James Duncan, CHt While going through some of my mother’s belongings after her passing. In the corner of a closet, I discovered a cannonball. I had never seen it, it in spite of having helped her move twice. Why did my mother have this strange item? I found it interesting and strangely beautiful so I packed it with the things to keep and kept working. The cannonball kept popping into my mind until I had the strange feeling that I should bring it into my office. Without any idea of where to put it or why I felt so strongly about it, I took it to my office...
Fresh Face of Hypnosis
The fresh face of hypnosis: an old practice finds news uses - New Wisdom Better Homes & Gardens, Feb, 2004, by Debra Gordon Last year, Andrea Tickle was pregnant with her first child. To combat the pain of childbirth, she could have chosen an epidural or narcotics but decided, instead, on a drug-free approach. To help her, Andrea contacted a Pennsylvania hypnotherapist named Wendy Goldenthal. Goldenthal specializes in a hypnosis technique called HypnoBirthing that teaches pregnant women to take advantage of their body's natural anesthetic abilities in order to make childbirth a less...
Finding Spiritual Peace by Jim Duncan
Finding Spiritual Peace "trying too hard too hard to be spiritual is an expression of fear...thinking too much about interior peace, destroys interior peace. The patient who constantly checks his pulse, is not doing anything to get better." WORKING at something just draws attention to when we fall short of whatever it is we THINK the outcome should be, rather than enjoying what the reality of our successes. Finding well-being, peace of mind or inner spirituality is not so much a path of process as many people think. It is just a path. And simply BEING on that...
Explaining Hypnosis without Understanding it
Explaining Hypnosis without Understanding It By James W. Duncan, CHt © 2004 How does it work, this hypnosis thing? There are so many ways to attempt to explain the workings of the mind and yet no one really knows how it works. And hypnosis, well that is a whole other thing that is probably never going to be understood. But can we give it an explanation that explains how understanding it can be based on not understanding it? That may be the best way to approach it. Think for a moment on all the things that happen every day for which we have no knowledge or understanding...
Entrancing News About Hypnosis
There's Entrancing News About Hypnosis It's gaining credibility as a treatment for a multitude of troubles, from nicotine addiction to post-traumatic stress disorder Hypnosis helped James Williams cut back on his drinking eight years ago. So when he developed a fear of flying after September 11, he again sought hypnotic relief. "I had always thought hypnosis was a stage show kind of thing. But I've found it incredibly effective at getting me to focus on what I want to accomplish," says Williams, 56, a vice-president of Polyonics, a Westmoreland (N.H.) maker of bar-code stickers. Indeed, today...
Doctors Find recovery in Healing Trances
From the Los Angeles Times Hypnotic reach Doctors find recovery is aided by helping patients into healing trances. By Benedict Carey Times Staff Writer January 5, 2004 Hypnosis transports some people beyond serenity and absorption to a state of pure silliness. A solemn voice whispering to relax, breathe deeply and imagine a waterfall can bring to mind high school séances, Ouija boards, Woody Allen routines. Yet the very same technique, the same voice, can move others to climb mountains. After a fall on a climbing expedition that mangled her ankles,...
Chronic Pain to Discomfort by Fr. Martin Patton
Chronic Pain PAIN…Pain…pain…pain…discomfort! Rev. Fr. Martin J. Patton Recent changes effective last January 1st (2001) are requiring hospitals and doctors to treat pain. New standards require that every patient’s pain be measured regularly from the time they check in and proper pain relief begun. The patients will rate their pain from zero, no pain, to 10, the worst pain imaginable. Physicians will prescribe those pain medications that sometimes help but most often because of the side effects are not tolerated well by the patient or the body develops...
Body/Mind Connection by Anne Spencer
THE BODY/MIND CONNECTION: WHY HYPNOSIS IS THE IDEAL INTERVENTION by Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D. Lilly Tomlin once said, "When I speak to God, they call it prayer. When God speaks to me, they call it schizophrenia!" A decade ago when I told clients that we could talk to their immune cells and make a change for the better, their doctors thought I was schizophrenic. Times have changed. Now mainstream America is fully aware that traditional medicine is not the only answer. Alapathic medicine is one of perhaps several solutions to a current medical challenge. Every...
Comparison Study American Health Magazine reported the following findings from a recent study. • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions• Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions • Hypnotherapy: 93% Recovery after 6 sessions
The majority of people believe hypnosis is a last resort tool for Smoke Cessation, Weight Loss or Changing Habits. Few people know hypnosis is a dynamic and vital healing process embracing all aspects of mental health care. Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a person’s issues. Through the process of hypnosis/regression the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the person and practitioner the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience/cause. These surrounding feelings can be healed, thus Empowering the person to live the life they desire to live.
This study clearly points out—Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. In a hypnotic state, you are More Receptive to new ideas and You Can more Effectively Process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.
Hypnosis is a special form of communication to the subconscious mind where habits are established and memory is stored. Because the Language of the Subconscious mind is Visual, the more detailed your image is of your goal, the Faster your Subconscious Mind Will Create the Changes you desire. Once Your subconscious accepts a new idea, You Automatically Accept it at a conscious level.
Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind that is between the aware state and sleep. Driving a route you are familiar with and not being conscious of every turn you make is similar to the hypnotic state.Hypnosis allows you to access Your Subconscious Mind, which makes up 90% of your brain Which Stores All Memory. With Hypnosis, you reprogram and release thought patterns and habits to Make Desirable, Lasting Changes in Your Life.
You Are in Control: Hypnosis is completely relaxing and You Are Completely Aware During the Experience. It's a myth that someone is making you do something. The hypnotherapist helps you connect with your subconscious mind, which puts YOU in Control of your subconscious mind—the most Powerful and Empowering aspect of your brain. Hypnosis restores your Freedom of choice, which you haven't had in many years!
The Wall Street Journal Article
HEALTH: Hypnosis gaining respectability among doctors, patients BY MICHAEL WALDHOLZ Wall Street Journal Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new findings are leading major hospitals to try hypnosis to help relieve pain and speed recovery in a variety of illnesses. At the University of North Carolina, hypnosis is transforming the treatment of irritable bowel..
Mayo Clinic Staff on Hypnosis
Hypnosis: An altered state of consciousness By Mayo Clinic staff Have you ever been totally absorbed while reading a book or cooking or watching a movie? Did you zone out to the point where you didn't notice what else was going on around you? If so, you have experienced a type of trance-like state or focused attention that's similar to what happens to you during hypnosis. Although its medical uses aren't entirely understood, hypnosis, when provided by a certified hypnotherapist or other qualified clinician, appears to help with a variety of health conditions. These range from helping to control...
iTme Magazine: Health: Mind over Medicine By SORA SONG
Shelley Thomas, 53, was wheeled into an anteroom at London's Middlesex Hospital in preparation for pelvic surgery. A patient going into that operation is usually given a mix of painkilling narcotics and nerve-quelling tranquilizers. But not Thomas. Instead she rested on a gurney, alert and calm, taking deep breaths at her hypnotherapist's instruction....
Pain in the Brain
PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: 8-AUG-2004 Pain in the brain: It's not what you imagine Researchers are one step closer to unraveling the mystery of medically unexplained pain such as chronic low back pain, which continues to baffle doctors. A study exploring the experience of pain in hypnotized volunteers has found that some types of pain which cannot be traced to a medical condition may have its origins in our brains, not in our bodies. The study by University College London and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that volunteers who felt pain as a result of hypnotic suggestion showed...
Hypnotism gaining respect in medicine as useful tool
ENTERPRISE From the November 15, 2002 print edition Hypnotism gaining respect in medicine as a useful tool Danek S. Kaus About a dozen people sit in a dimly lit circle of comfortable chairs. The people are deeply relaxed as they listen to a voice guide them through images designed to promote healthy bodies. That might sound like a New Age retreat in the mountains, but it's a classroom at Stanford University. The speaker is Jeanne Fournier, a medical hypnotherapist from Mountain View. She conducts group sessions at Stanford Hospital's Center for Integrated Medicine as well as at Palo...
Hypnosis Really Changes Your Mind
Hypnosis really changes your mind 13:28 10 September 04 New Scientist news service Hypnosis is more than just a party trick, it measurably changes how the brain works, says a UK researcher. Hypnosis significantly affects the activity in a part of the brain responsible for detecting and responding to errors, says John Gruzelier, a psychologist at Imperial College in London. Using functional brain imaging, he also found that hypnosis affects an area that controls higher level executive functions. "This explains why, under hypnosis, people can do outrageous things that ordinarily they wouldn’t...
Hypnosis In Surgery
Health briefings September 12, 2005 Times You won't feel a thing . . . by Liz Bestic Hypno-sedation may reduce the need for general anesthetic How amusing it is to see hypnotists make people cluck like chickens or bark like dogs. But while their art is seen by many as a form of entertainment, new research suggests that, medically, there may be a serious role for hypnosis. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) a team of neuro-scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have seen hypnosis actually working on the brain. In a study to be published this year, a group of patients with...
Hypnosis gains Acceptance in Health Care
Published on 07/21/1997 Hypnosis gains acceptance in health care By Clyde Noel / Town Crier Staff Writer Ever go upstairs, or walk in a room, and when you get there you've forgotten why you came? Or, maybe you were driving on the freeway and started to daydream and went past your exit and wondered where you were? Josie Hadley, a longtime resident of Los Altos and a Palo Alto-based hypnotherapist, will tell you everything you ever learned is stored in your subconscious, and when things like that occur, it's because your conscious mind is free. "The knowledge required to drive a car exists...
Hypnosis for Pain and Anxiety by Anne Spencer
HYPNOSIS FOR PAIN AND ANXIETY An alternative tested in the procedure room. by Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D. A Prospective, randomized trial described in the April 29, 2000, Lancet evaluated the effectiveness of hypnosis – termed "nonpharmacologic analgesia" – in easing pain and anxiety associated with undergoing minimally invasive surgical procedures such as angiograms and angioplasties (which require catheterization of arteries), nephrostomies (kidney drainage), and liver biopsies. The researchers randomly assigned 241 patients treated in a radiology unity at a university hospital to one of three...
Hypnosis and Religious Faith by Paul Durbin
HYPNOSIS & RELIGIOUS FAITH by Chaplain Paul G. Durbin, Ph.D. Durbin before a lecture on "Hypnosis and Religion" A few years ago, I read an article in Family Weekly titled, "Boom Days For Devil Hypnosis" Hearing that title: what ideas, images, thoughts come to you? Thought the article had what I considered a very negative title, it was a very positive article on hypnosis in the health care field. The only reference to the devil was in the last paragraph, "Some conservative religious groups consider hypnosis to be the work of the devil."Hypnosis is mistakenly viewed as mind control or demonic...
How do you talk about Dis-Ease
How Do You Talk About Dis-Ease? By James Duncan, CHt © 2005 One of the most important factors in achieving wellness or creating and maintaining health is the way in which we think and talk about our health and the challenges we face in our health. Unfortunately so many people are completely unaware of how the words and concepts we choose to think and use to discuss our health have the potential to impact it to an amazing degree. This impact can very often have a negative effect over the long term if gentle and compassionate care is not given to the reframing of these concepts...
Helping Phantom Limb Pain
Helping Phantom Limb Pain by Toni Ray Over the years scientists have noted many complaints of a strange form of pain called phantom limb pain. This pain is strange because it is located in an appendage that no longer exists. By many of the amputees the pain is described as totally unbearable. Phantom limb pain has even driven some victims crazy. For the amputee population this is a very real problem that definitely needs to be solved. After James Peacock had his right arm amputated last December, he expected some difficulties. With those difficulties came pain so unbearable it could not be controlled...
Healing Thought by Jim Duncan
Healing Thought From The Strangest Places James Duncan, CHt While going through some of my mother’s belongings after her passing. In the corner of a closet, I discovered a cannonball. I had never seen it, it in spite of having helped her move twice. Why did my mother have this strange item? I found it interesting and strangely beautiful so I packed it with the things to keep and kept working. The cannonball kept popping into my mind until I had the strange feeling that I should bring it into my office. Without any idea of where to put it or why I felt so strongly about it, I took it to my office...
Fresh Face of Hypnosis
The fresh face of hypnosis: an old practice finds news uses - New Wisdom Better Homes & Gardens, Feb, 2004, by Debra Gordon Last year, Andrea Tickle was pregnant with her first child. To combat the pain of childbirth, she could have chosen an epidural or narcotics but decided, instead, on a drug-free approach. To help her, Andrea contacted a Pennsylvania hypnotherapist named Wendy Goldenthal. Goldenthal specializes in a hypnosis technique called HypnoBirthing that teaches pregnant women to take advantage of their body's natural anesthetic abilities in order to make childbirth a less...
Finding Spiritual Peace by Jim Duncan
Finding Spiritual Peace "trying too hard too hard to be spiritual is an expression of fear...thinking too much about interior peace, destroys interior peace. The patient who constantly checks his pulse, is not doing anything to get better." WORKING at something just draws attention to when we fall short of whatever it is we THINK the outcome should be, rather than enjoying what the reality of our successes. Finding well-being, peace of mind or inner spirituality is not so much a path of process as many people think. It is just a path. And simply BEING on that...
Explaining Hypnosis without Understanding it
Explaining Hypnosis without Understanding It By James W. Duncan, CHt © 2004 How does it work, this hypnosis thing? There are so many ways to attempt to explain the workings of the mind and yet no one really knows how it works. And hypnosis, well that is a whole other thing that is probably never going to be understood. But can we give it an explanation that explains how understanding it can be based on not understanding it? That may be the best way to approach it. Think for a moment on all the things that happen every day for which we have no knowledge or understanding...
Entrancing News About Hypnosis
There's Entrancing News About Hypnosis It's gaining credibility as a treatment for a multitude of troubles, from nicotine addiction to post-traumatic stress disorder Hypnosis helped James Williams cut back on his drinking eight years ago. So when he developed a fear of flying after September 11, he again sought hypnotic relief. "I had always thought hypnosis was a stage show kind of thing. But I've found it incredibly effective at getting me to focus on what I want to accomplish," says Williams, 56, a vice-president of Polyonics, a Westmoreland (N.H.) maker of bar-code stickers. Indeed, today...
Doctors Find recovery in Healing Trances
From the Los Angeles Times Hypnotic reach Doctors find recovery is aided by helping patients into healing trances. By Benedict Carey Times Staff Writer January 5, 2004 Hypnosis transports some people beyond serenity and absorption to a state of pure silliness. A solemn voice whispering to relax, breathe deeply and imagine a waterfall can bring to mind high school séances, Ouija boards, Woody Allen routines. Yet the very same technique, the same voice, can move others to climb mountains. After a fall on a climbing expedition that mangled her ankles,...
Chronic Pain to Discomfort by Fr. Martin Patton
Chronic Pain PAIN…Pain…pain…pain…discomfort! Rev. Fr. Martin J. Patton Recent changes effective last January 1st (2001) are requiring hospitals and doctors to treat pain. New standards require that every patient’s pain be measured regularly from the time they check in and proper pain relief begun. The patients will rate their pain from zero, no pain, to 10, the worst pain imaginable. Physicians will prescribe those pain medications that sometimes help but most often because of the side effects are not tolerated well by the patient or the body develops...
Body/Mind Connection by Anne Spencer
THE BODY/MIND CONNECTION: WHY HYPNOSIS IS THE IDEAL INTERVENTION by Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D. Lilly Tomlin once said, "When I speak to God, they call it prayer. When God speaks to me, they call it schizophrenia!" A decade ago when I told clients that we could talk to their immune cells and make a change for the better, their doctors thought I was schizophrenic. Times have changed. Now mainstream America is fully aware that traditional medicine is not the only answer. Alapathic medicine is one of perhaps several solutions to a current medical challenge. Every...