“Having a military background I had zero business experience. I struggled with not having a system for business growth and profitability. Prior to working with Doreen Ann honestly it was a crap shoot for me!. I literally had a consultation with her to identify where my challenges were and two strategy sessions later my business took off like hot cakes! The following three months my business gross went through the roof! My company did over 250k in sales! I recommended her to my professor at Manhattan College to work with the students in the business program. She is a force to be reckoned with!”
Jena P.
Newburgh, New York
“As a single mom in an abusive relationship at the end of my rope. I reached out to Doreen Ann, whom I met years prior through a mutual acquaintance. I didn't have any money at the time, quite frankly I was rolling pennies for food and gas. She agreed to take me on as a client with a “growth and grind contract” which enabled me to hire her and pay her at a later date. She personally flew down to Florida from New York to work onsite with me. Within days I was in business. I was booked solid weeks out after only a week. I grew so fast I was hiring people to work with me the following month. Negotiating and closing $2000 dollar organizing jobs daily paid in cash upfront! Her business “Growth and Grind Bootcamp” was hardcore mental shifting, sales attraction, negotiation and wealth manifestation techniques helped me gain control of my life and my financial independence.”
Tiana M
Naples, Florida
“As a twenty two year old I had multiple challenges to say the least! My dad referred Doreen Ann to me as a “last resort” to get my life together. Many had tried to help me and failed!! That being said, I never thought I would be able to overcome my issues and amount to anything! I went from completely dependent on my parents and a real jerk to a top sales producer making over 25,000 a week after I invested in her money manifestation techniques and sales attraction system. I got on my feet and I am now financially free!!! Thanks to her I was able to mend my relationship with my dad as well.”
Trev B.
Newburgh, New York
"Eleven years of coaching and consulting, unable to scale my business, never having enough money to pay myself and owing taxes at the end of every year. ! Frustrated and embarrassed I recognized I had to come to terms with the fact I wasn't running a business! I had just created a JOB a “just over broke” situation for myself with a ton of responsibility. I didn't have the know-how required to build a business and scale it so I could support my dreams of being financially free, and assist others, while traveling globally! After meeting Doreen Ann while in the states I decided I had to do what it takes to work with her ! I invested in her Pathway To Performance Clinical Hypnotherapy Program. Within days I was taking action building a foundation for success and my confidence skyrocketed!!! After doing a review of my progress, I was blown away!!!! In just the past 11 months I have grossed over $250,000 with a brand new pet sitting business that allows me to travel the world. My coaching and consulting business has grossed $160,000 and is still counting. I have just completed her Millionaire Mindset Program and I am presently in the process of The Booked Solid Cash Infusion Program and I am happy to say I'm on my way to being booked solid and grossing 1 million in 90 days . Additionally, I have become an affiliate sharing her programs with all of my clients and they too have had immediate success! I have tons of testimonies I can and will absolutely share with you !! She said she is results driven, and committed to my success! Therefore, I should buckle up and enjoy the ride to the top of my game! She wasn't kidding! Do Take Action and Invest In Yourself, Never Give Up and You Too will see your Dreams Come to Fruition!!"
Caren Lane, UK
“As a manager in a high stress job I dreamed of getting into the Real Estate industry but I needed to replace my income to do so. A friend referred Doreen Ann to me and I was so impressed with her “Business Mastery System” I hired her that day! Within three months I retired from my management position. I had never sold anything in my life and my friends and family couldn't believe how quickly I transitioned. My first check from a closed transaction was $35,0000 dollars. A copy of it hangs on my wall in a frame at my office as a constant reminder.”
Dave D
Milton, New York
“I am proud to say I have broken through barriers and limiting beliefs that kept me stuck doing the same unproductive crap for years. Doreen Ann’s “Mind Mastery” system's simple yet effective techniques have forged within me an unbreakable belief in my ability to succeed in my chosen calling at the highest level. The confidence, clarity and system strategies I gained through this experience are priceless!”
James C.
Marco Island, Florida
“As a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, I struggled with business marketing strategies and attracting new patients. Within two months after taking Doreen Ann’s “Breakthrough Marketing Masterclass” I have tripled my practice and have hired another Doctor to assist me with the workload. I highly recommend her as an overall “success” business and marketing strategist expert!”
Dr. Matt
Newburgh, New York
“I sustained a knee injury after tripping down my stairs several months back. Unable to sleep or walk without discomfort I was at my wits end! With no relief in sight despite all of my efforts, I came across Doreen Ann’s “Pain Interceptor” therapy session. I downloaded the session and listened to it as I drifted off to sleep, as suggested. The following morning I popped up out of bed like a teenager, I hadn't even realized my pain was completely gone until I was enjoying my breakfast. I am completely astonished that her session worked as quickly as it did!! I am back to my normal physical activity without pain!”
Caren Lane
London England
I’m a woman in my mid-fifties who has been experiencing discomfort from pain in my hands, right hip, lower back and feet (plantar fasciitis) for about four years, which has also caused low mood and extreme tiredness. I started to feel old and despondent in around 2020, although I didn’t particularly attribute this to the pandemic or lockdown. I noticed putting on weight through trying to eat away my feelings relating to all sorts of issues that were going on at the time.
Due to my age my symptoms have partly been diagnosed by healthcare professionals as menopause and I’ve tried five different versions of HRT, none of which have reduced the chronic pain. I also have a history of complex trauma and in recent years I’ve experienced the death of a parent and gave up work to care for my neurodiverse daughter. All of these experiences have led to sometimes feeling emotionally paralyzed, which felt directly connected to the physical pain. I’ve been desperately seeking ways to address these challenges but most of what I’ve tried has given me only short-term respite. Around month ago, a former co-worker contacted me knowing I had been experiencing some difficult times. She explained to me that she had been working with Doreen Ann and had also engaged with the Chronic Pain Interrupter session. She explained the life changing impact this had on her and invited me to give it a try if I was open to it. Immediately I started to feel enthusiastic about reconnecting with a well-respected former colleague and downloaded the Chronic Pain Interrupter.
The first couple of times I listened I was aware of different sounds and ways of speaking in the recording but from the third night I fell asleep within seconds and found I was sleeping through the night, which hasn’t been the case for some time. I’m usually so tired that I have to take a nap, usually an hour or two in the afternoon and often feel groggy and depressed upon waking. Over the next seven days my co-worker asked me about my pain symptoms. It was almost hard to respond because I couldn’t think of any. I’ve only just remembered my hip pain upon writing this testimonial because I’d forgotten all about it. I am continuing with the download each night and I’m starting to feel like a functioning human being with a future, as opposed to feeling tired and old with little hope of recovering. In such a short space of time I feel my mind is expanding in ways I haven’t dared contemplate for some years and my confidence to make a comeback and start contributing to the world again feels as though it might finally be in reach.
Sam Taylor
Brighton, England
Jena P.
Newburgh, New York
“As a single mom in an abusive relationship at the end of my rope. I reached out to Doreen Ann, whom I met years prior through a mutual acquaintance. I didn't have any money at the time, quite frankly I was rolling pennies for food and gas. She agreed to take me on as a client with a “growth and grind contract” which enabled me to hire her and pay her at a later date. She personally flew down to Florida from New York to work onsite with me. Within days I was in business. I was booked solid weeks out after only a week. I grew so fast I was hiring people to work with me the following month. Negotiating and closing $2000 dollar organizing jobs daily paid in cash upfront! Her business “Growth and Grind Bootcamp” was hardcore mental shifting, sales attraction, negotiation and wealth manifestation techniques helped me gain control of my life and my financial independence.”
Tiana M
Naples, Florida
“As a twenty two year old I had multiple challenges to say the least! My dad referred Doreen Ann to me as a “last resort” to get my life together. Many had tried to help me and failed!! That being said, I never thought I would be able to overcome my issues and amount to anything! I went from completely dependent on my parents and a real jerk to a top sales producer making over 25,000 a week after I invested in her money manifestation techniques and sales attraction system. I got on my feet and I am now financially free!!! Thanks to her I was able to mend my relationship with my dad as well.”
Trev B.
Newburgh, New York
"Eleven years of coaching and consulting, unable to scale my business, never having enough money to pay myself and owing taxes at the end of every year. ! Frustrated and embarrassed I recognized I had to come to terms with the fact I wasn't running a business! I had just created a JOB a “just over broke” situation for myself with a ton of responsibility. I didn't have the know-how required to build a business and scale it so I could support my dreams of being financially free, and assist others, while traveling globally! After meeting Doreen Ann while in the states I decided I had to do what it takes to work with her ! I invested in her Pathway To Performance Clinical Hypnotherapy Program. Within days I was taking action building a foundation for success and my confidence skyrocketed!!! After doing a review of my progress, I was blown away!!!! In just the past 11 months I have grossed over $250,000 with a brand new pet sitting business that allows me to travel the world. My coaching and consulting business has grossed $160,000 and is still counting. I have just completed her Millionaire Mindset Program and I am presently in the process of The Booked Solid Cash Infusion Program and I am happy to say I'm on my way to being booked solid and grossing 1 million in 90 days . Additionally, I have become an affiliate sharing her programs with all of my clients and they too have had immediate success! I have tons of testimonies I can and will absolutely share with you !! She said she is results driven, and committed to my success! Therefore, I should buckle up and enjoy the ride to the top of my game! She wasn't kidding! Do Take Action and Invest In Yourself, Never Give Up and You Too will see your Dreams Come to Fruition!!"
Caren Lane, UK
“As a manager in a high stress job I dreamed of getting into the Real Estate industry but I needed to replace my income to do so. A friend referred Doreen Ann to me and I was so impressed with her “Business Mastery System” I hired her that day! Within three months I retired from my management position. I had never sold anything in my life and my friends and family couldn't believe how quickly I transitioned. My first check from a closed transaction was $35,0000 dollars. A copy of it hangs on my wall in a frame at my office as a constant reminder.”
Dave D
Milton, New York
“I am proud to say I have broken through barriers and limiting beliefs that kept me stuck doing the same unproductive crap for years. Doreen Ann’s “Mind Mastery” system's simple yet effective techniques have forged within me an unbreakable belief in my ability to succeed in my chosen calling at the highest level. The confidence, clarity and system strategies I gained through this experience are priceless!”
James C.
Marco Island, Florida
“As a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, I struggled with business marketing strategies and attracting new patients. Within two months after taking Doreen Ann’s “Breakthrough Marketing Masterclass” I have tripled my practice and have hired another Doctor to assist me with the workload. I highly recommend her as an overall “success” business and marketing strategist expert!”
Dr. Matt
Newburgh, New York
“I sustained a knee injury after tripping down my stairs several months back. Unable to sleep or walk without discomfort I was at my wits end! With no relief in sight despite all of my efforts, I came across Doreen Ann’s “Pain Interceptor” therapy session. I downloaded the session and listened to it as I drifted off to sleep, as suggested. The following morning I popped up out of bed like a teenager, I hadn't even realized my pain was completely gone until I was enjoying my breakfast. I am completely astonished that her session worked as quickly as it did!! I am back to my normal physical activity without pain!”
Caren Lane
London England
I’m a woman in my mid-fifties who has been experiencing discomfort from pain in my hands, right hip, lower back and feet (plantar fasciitis) for about four years, which has also caused low mood and extreme tiredness. I started to feel old and despondent in around 2020, although I didn’t particularly attribute this to the pandemic or lockdown. I noticed putting on weight through trying to eat away my feelings relating to all sorts of issues that were going on at the time.
Due to my age my symptoms have partly been diagnosed by healthcare professionals as menopause and I’ve tried five different versions of HRT, none of which have reduced the chronic pain. I also have a history of complex trauma and in recent years I’ve experienced the death of a parent and gave up work to care for my neurodiverse daughter. All of these experiences have led to sometimes feeling emotionally paralyzed, which felt directly connected to the physical pain. I’ve been desperately seeking ways to address these challenges but most of what I’ve tried has given me only short-term respite. Around month ago, a former co-worker contacted me knowing I had been experiencing some difficult times. She explained to me that she had been working with Doreen Ann and had also engaged with the Chronic Pain Interrupter session. She explained the life changing impact this had on her and invited me to give it a try if I was open to it. Immediately I started to feel enthusiastic about reconnecting with a well-respected former colleague and downloaded the Chronic Pain Interrupter.
The first couple of times I listened I was aware of different sounds and ways of speaking in the recording but from the third night I fell asleep within seconds and found I was sleeping through the night, which hasn’t been the case for some time. I’m usually so tired that I have to take a nap, usually an hour or two in the afternoon and often feel groggy and depressed upon waking. Over the next seven days my co-worker asked me about my pain symptoms. It was almost hard to respond because I couldn’t think of any. I’ve only just remembered my hip pain upon writing this testimonial because I’d forgotten all about it. I am continuing with the download each night and I’m starting to feel like a functioning human being with a future, as opposed to feeling tired and old with little hope of recovering. In such a short space of time I feel my mind is expanding in ways I haven’t dared contemplate for some years and my confidence to make a comeback and start contributing to the world again feels as though it might finally be in reach.
Sam Taylor
Brighton, England