- Love and Relationships
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- I Love
I Love
I Love
Every day we are exposed to a barrage of negative words and actions! As a result it becomes easy to slip into the habit of negative thinking. This negativism comes into our everyday conversations through watching the news, television programming, the internet, ads to purchase products.
Fear tactics are all around us affecting our lives in every area!
All of your relationships to money, family, work and business take a major hit due to the negativity that surrounds us!
You have to look long and hard to find and a positive story!
This "I LOVE" hypnotherapy session was designed to bring a heavy dose of the most powerful, positive energy that exists into your life-LOVE!
Love will eradicate the effects of all negative influences. It is understood that Love attracts love and good fortune to you enriching all it touches.
Download this session today!
Download the “session” and save to your device. Be sure to listen to the recorded module “session” in the evening at a comfortable volume level as you DRIFT Off to SLEEP. If you miss a night simply pick up the next night and continue. Keep in mind your ears act as surveillance cameras and are always taking in information. Therefore, you will still benefit from this therapy as you drift off to sleep. It is suggested to wear headphones to maximize results.
Mp3" are downloaded directly onto your computer. It is recommended that you have a BROADBAND connection to purchase your products in MP3 format. Be sure to save to your device download will expire. It is recommended you listen to the hypnotherapy session for a minimum of seven consecutive days for best results. One challenge or enhancement at a time recommended unless otherwise instructed. Give yourself a minimum of four days to maximize results. If you miss a day simply pick up where you left off. These recordings and or, products are governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement ("EULA") which can be found by clicking the "EULA" . Please read this End User License Agreement carefully before completing and downloading recordings and or products. By completing your download, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA, DO NOT complete your download.