Master Your Mind and Master Your Life!

Doreen Ann, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner
Clinical Conscious Hypnotherapy Gives You the Tools to Take Charge of Your Life, Achieve any Goal, Stop Unwanted Behavior, End Pain, Fear and Improve Performance in any area of your life.
Eliminate Unwanted Behavior
such as:
Emotional Overeating, Nail biting, Hair Pulling, Procrastination, Stress and Smoking
Medical conditions including:
Migraines, allergies, insomnia, pre- and post-surgery, labor and delivery, pain management, difficult/painful medical procedures, including cancer, pediatrics and elder care.
Psycho-social challenges such as:
Panic attacks, PTSD, fears and phobias (dentist, flying, spiders, heights), obsessive-compulsiveness (OCD), relationship issues, grief, letting go of destructive relationships, children’s issues (nightmares, learning and social difficulties) transitions and social anxiety.
Panic/Anxiety, Children’s Issues,
Communication, Grief, Releasing Anger
Enhance Performance:
Athletics(sports) Stage Performance, Public Speaking, Sexual function, Motivation, Confidence, Academics (concentration, memory, test-taking) Motivation, Increase Sales Performance, Moral
Healing and Wellness, Substance Abuse, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Bereavement, Road Rage, Age Regression, Past Life Regression, Anger Management, Memorizing, Confidence for Acting, Musical Performance